Dr Alessandro Rizzi 米兰大学信息传媒系资深研究员、副教授。 毕业于米兰大学计算机科学专业,并在意大利布雷西亚大学获得信息工程博士学位。 CREATE欧洲先进技术色彩研究会议意大利代表。
Professor Stephen Westland 英国利兹大学设计学院院长,教授。 Stephen Westland教授曾在在英国德比大学、基尔大学和工业界任教。他已经在色彩影像、颜色科学、颜色视觉和色彩设计等领域发表过上百篇学术文章和著作。 基于他在色彩影像方面的研究和贡献,Stephen Westlan教授于2008年被英国皇家影像协会授予Davies奖章。 Stephen Westland教授出版了《色彩设计与创意》杂志并任主编,同时也是多家色彩期刊的主导者。
Professor Lindsay MacDonald Professor Lindsay MacDonald is Principal Lecturer and Director of Enterprise for the School of Printing and Publishing at London College of Communication, responsible for developing research activity and collaborative projects. He is Chairm
Professor Mark D. Fairchild Mark D. Fairchild is the Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Education and a Professor at the Munsell Color Science Laboratory in the College of Science at Rochester Institute of Technology. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Imagi
Dr Michael R Pointer Dr MICHAEL R POINTER received his PhD from Imperial College, London working with David Wright one of the founders of modern colour science. He then worked for 28 years in the Research Division of Kodak Limited on fundamental issues of colou
Dr Phil Green He is a Reader in Colour Imaging at the London College of Communication in the UK, where he carries out research in colour imaging and supervises research students in the area.
He has an MSc from the University of Surrey and a PhD from