
Tsinghua Art & Science Colour & Imaging Institute(TASCII)

Tsinghua Art & Science Colour & Imaging Institute(TASCII)is dedicated to the theoretical research and applications of establishing high quality colours and images, borrowing from the rich resources of local and international specialist teams, to carry out research in innovative colour and imaging technologies, which shall form the basis of enabling related industries to implement applied services from colour designs, colour processing to colour communication as well as imaging sciences; and at the same time, to provide a platform for cultivating interdisciplinary talents in colour artistry/ design and colour scientific technology. 
 TASCII actively seek collaborations with the Department of Psychology, School of Architecture, School of Materials Science and Engineering (SMSE) ,Laboratory of Brain and Intelligence of Tsinghua University that enriches wider academic studies and application in industrial practice as well.
Copyright©Tsinghua Art & Science Colour & Imaging Institute(TASCII)
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